Utku Perktaş

Dr. Utku Perktaş is a professor in the Biology Department at Hacettepe University.

The silent battle of Darwin’s evolution theory in Türkiye

There is a noteworthy yet seldom-discussed issue in Türkiye these days. Turkish Ministry of National Education had the removed Charles…

7 months ago

Turkish academy in crisis: Erosion in the higher education

There used to be universities in Türkiye. I say 'used to' because universities in Türkiye have now become institutions that…

9 months ago

Are Turkey’s parrots invasive?

Last week, two parrot species living in our country were in Turkey's agenda. Reducing the population of the Green Parrot,…

2 years ago

Turkey’s strictly protected areas under threat after olive groves

Important Natural Areas including most of the areas for conservation in Turkey. A few days ago, I wrote about the…

3 years ago

Turkey’s important wetland Bargilya must be saved

Located in one of the last lagoons that survived in Turkey, Bargilya wetland is now under threat with a construction…

3 years ago

Arctic Melting, Salt Lake Drought : Every Second Counts

The climate insurance of the world, the North Pole is melting because of the Climate Crisis. It has worldwide effects.…

3 years ago

Contribution to biodiversity: TRAKUS Birds of Turkey

Western Osprey - Pandion haliaetus (Photographs: Ömer Furtun) Turkey has been fighting forest fires for days. Drought was on the…

3 years ago

Global warming triggers forest fires in Turkey

Turunç neighborhood in the Aegean resort town of Marmaris has been evacuated in Marmaris. (Photo: Twitter) Rising temperatures and strong…

3 years ago

Does ‘Sea Snot’ show Marmara Sea is dead?

Pollution in the Marmara Sea cannot be defined as an acute situation. The Marmara Sea, with an area of ​​11,000…

3 years ago

Turkey’s seas are under threat more than ever

Sea snot covering portions of the Marmara Sea, alarmed environmentalists about Turkey's seas being under ecological threat. (Photo: Serenad Demirhan)…

3 years ago