
The Can Atalay Case: the quake in Turkey’s rule of law

The game played at the highest levels of the state has come to the end long expected of it. After…

11 months ago

Journalist Tolga Şardan arrested for his article on corruption allegations

T24 columnist and journalist Tolga Şardan was arrested after being detained from his home in Ankara on November 1 as…

1 year ago

To the presidential candidates and leaders: Call for a judicial reform

The politically impartial Better Justice Association (BJA), of which I am the Chairman, released a call to action on the…

2 years ago

Opposition’s judicial promisses: Priorities set despite shortcomings

The most striking aspect of the Common Policies Consensus Document (CPCD) announced by the opposition parties’ Table of Six on…

2 years ago

Constitutional proposal and Turkish opposition’s window of opportunity

Türkiye’s six opposition parties that formed an alliance against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his ruling "People's Alliance" announced their…

2 years ago

Turkish Bar Associations head: “Judges and Prosecutors are in fear”

Turkey’s judiciary is under political pressure, judges and prosecutors are in fear, President of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations…

2 years ago

If you cannot change the rulings, change justices and judges

“The first prerequisite for winning a game is to know that you are in one. If you can’t change the…

2 years ago