foreign policy

CIA yöntem değiştiriyor: saha ajanlarının yükselişi

İsrail kaynakları dün, 30 Ocak’ta suikast operasyonu üstlendi, bugün de Müslüman Arap hasta ve hasta yakını kılığında Gazze, Cenin’deki İbn…

11 ay ago

A knife-edge balance in foreign policy: USA-Russia, Israel-Iran

In the Ukraine crisis, where foreign policy is on a knife-edge, Turkey has to work together with both global and…

3 yıl ago

Important regional developments: change of the game

Left to right: Alexander Fomin (Deputy Minister of Defence, Russian Federation) with Alexander Grushko (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russian…

3 yıl ago

Turkish Foreign Policy under AKP rule

Turkey's foreign policy has gone through a change in the past decade under AKP rule. First AKP adopted a policy…

3 yıl ago

Foreign policy in times of economic downturn

Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu shaking hands with UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed in the UAE, which he visited…

3 yıl ago

Rumors about Erdoğan’s health triggers row in Turkey

Right after the denial of the rumors about Erdoğan's health condition the first visitor he received was Baghdad Amreyev, the…

3 yıl ago

Asiltürk’ün vefatı ve Erdoğan’a diğer kötü haberler

Asiltürk'ün vefatı onu son zamanlarda el üstünde tutan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ı şahsen de, siyaseten de üzdü. Ama başka kötü haberler de…

3 yıl ago

Political-military crisis in the US and Turkey’s position

Biden wants to play down the political-military crisis that erupted when Woodward wrote about top soldier's secret communication with China.…

3 yıl ago