According to the new system, if the exchange rate increase is above the deposit rate, the CBRT (the Central Bank…
Following the cabinet meeting, Erdoğan reveals a series of incentives and fiscal moves in an effort to tackle currency crisis.…
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, kur dalgalanmalarının yarattığı krizi önlemek amacıyla hazırladıkları "Yeni Mali Politika Araçlarını" duyurdu. Araçlar arasında mevduat sahipleri ve ihracatçıların…
As Turkey's economy takes a critical turn this week, Erdoğan seem to be in an effort to consolidate AKP's constituency…
During the hours that the December 17 crisis unfolded, President Erdoğan was meeting with the African leaders in Istanbul who…
The “distrust” that Treasury and Finance Minister Nebati pointed as the source of the economic crisis in his meeting with…
Erdoğan called out to citizens to sell any foreign currency in their possession to tackle economic turmoil. Does he think…
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan'ın Katar ziyareti öncesinde, Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu Katarlı mevkidaşı Şeyh Muhammed Abdulrahman El Sani ile bir araya geldi. (Photo:…
TBB's former chair Metin Feyzioğlu was known as a name who has shifted his position from Erdoğan opposition to Erdoğan…
Osman Kavala refuses every accusation made against him, stating that the trial is political in nature. He has been in…