Will Türkiye print larger banknotes again amid inflation?

Will Türkiye print larger banknotes again amid inflation?

Türkiye may print 500 and 1000 Turkish Lira banknotes amid increasing inflation and currency crisis. This...
Resurgence of inflation in Türkiye: Turn to rationality or a red light

Resurgence of inflation in Türkiye: Turn to rationality or a red light

On August 3, Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) announced a consumer price index increase of 9.5 percent...
Akbelen case: dilemma of environment, energy and obligations

Akbelen case: dilemma of environment, energy and obligations

The locals of a small village in Turkey's Western province of Muğla, İkizköy have been in...
Erdoğan’s bitter rain of hikes, search for debt and the IMF scenario

Erdoğan’s bitter rain of hikes, search for debt and the IMF scenario

After signing a series of tax hikes over the weekend, President Tayyip Erdoğan is traveling to...
Turkish people hit by a storm of tax and fee hikes

Turkish people hit by a storm of tax and fee hikes

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has signed a series of presidential decrees that raise the value-added...
Turkish disinflation tested by currency pressure: 38 percent

Turkish disinflation tested by currency pressure: 38 percent

The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) on July 5 announced a further deceleration in the skyrocketing inflation...
CBRT ups policy rate to 15 percent but no “rational ground” yet

CBRT ups policy rate to 15 percent but no “rational ground” yet

After 27 months of stagnant rates, the Monetary Policy Committee of the Turkish Central Bank (CBRT)...
Turkish Central Bank raises interest rate to 15

Turkish Central Bank raises interest rate to 15

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) raised the policy rate to 15 percent...
Erdoğan: interest rates may go up but my policy remains same

Erdoğan: interest rates may go up but my policy remains same

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that the appointment of Mehmet Şimşek as Treasury Minister should...
Can Gaye Erkan keep up with her position as CBRT governor?

Can Gaye Erkan keep up with her position as CBRT governor?

With her exceptional education, extensive experience, and youthful dynamism, Hafize Gaye Erkan sparked enthusiasm at home...
Why does Turkish Lira keep crashing?

Why does Turkish Lira keep crashing?

With the noticeable move to loosen government controls on foreign currency, combined with some uncertainty, the...
Presidential run-off: The last exit for the Turkish Economy

Presidential run-off: The last exit for the Turkish Economy

Before the second round of presidential elections on May 28, President Tayyip Erdoğan told CNN International...
Turkish economy is decelerating heading into elections

Turkish economy is decelerating heading into elections

In the pre-election period, it is customary for the ruling parties to turn on the populist...
A “new mechanism” for Kurdish oil that also burned Ankara’s hands

A “new mechanism” for Kurdish oil that also burned Ankara’s hands

The final verdict by the International Court of Arbitration in Paris against Türkiye has further complicated...
Iraqi oil case against Türkiye, pipelines and Kurdish question

Iraqi oil case against Türkiye, pipelines and Kurdish question

First, let us try to explain why Türkiye lost an arbitration case brought by the Iraqi...
Economic effects of the earthquake: Devastation, reconstruction, and additional tax

Economic effects of the earthquake: Devastation, reconstruction, and additional tax

  The earthquake caused great suffering. Massive loss of life, numerous injuries, destroyed homes, broken families…...
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