From 1910 to 2024: Is Türkiye on the brink of another dog masacre?

From 1910 to 2024: Is Türkiye on the brink of another dog masacre?

Have you seen the 2010 short animation of Serge Avedikian called “Chienne d’histoire”? It tells the...
Wildfire devastates rural areas in Türkiye: 11 dead

Wildfire devastates rural areas in Türkiye: 11 dead

A severe wildfire has erupted in the rural area between Diyarbakır's Çınar district and Mardin's Mazıdağı...
Türkiye’s new education model: Will religious education surpass science?

Türkiye’s new education model: Will religious education surpass science?

Will the sciene education surpass scientific education? The title actually reflects a misleading proposition. Both are...
New “Game-Changing” technologies: what will they trigger in our lives?

New “Game-Changing” technologies: what will they trigger in our lives?

In our heated debates, when asked, "What is the most important game-changing development in the world...
The silent battle of Darwin’s evolution theory in Türkiye

The silent battle of Darwin’s evolution theory in Türkiye

There is a noteworthy yet seldom-discussed issue in Türkiye these days. Turkish Ministry of National Education...
Turkish academy in crisis: Erosion in the higher education

Turkish academy in crisis: Erosion in the higher education

There used to be universities in Türkiye. I say 'used to' because universities in Türkiye have...
Turkish football league halted, club president arrested for referee attack

Turkish football league halted, club president arrested for referee attack

Turkish Football Federation (TFF) President Mehmet Büyükekşi announced that all league matches have been suspended indefinitely...
A shame: Disney+ cancels Atatürk series after Armenian committee’s call

A shame: Disney+ cancels Atatürk series after Armenian committee’s call

Disney+ has pulled its upcoming series about the life of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of...
Anti-Semitism in Turkish schools and its history in Türkiye

Anti-Semitism in Turkish schools and its history in Türkiye

Recent anti-Semitic incidents in Türkiye have outraged the public. The first incident occurred during a high...
Compulsory Distance Education at Turkish Universities: A Panacea Really?

Compulsory Distance Education at Turkish Universities: A Panacea Really?

With 18.2 million students and 1.1 million teachers, the Turkish education system is a massive one....
The disinformation market: Team Jorge and Cambridge Analytica

The disinformation market: Team Jorge and Cambridge Analytica

Recently, a team of international journalists uncovered an Israeli-based group called "Team Jorge" that allegedly influenced...
Death toll exceeded 18,000 after the earthquake in Türkiye

Death toll exceeded 18,000 after the earthquake in Türkiye

Following the two major earthquakes of 7.7 and 7.6 magnitudes that caused severe destruction in Türkiye...
The Cradle of Democracy: Municipalities

The Cradle of Democracy: Municipalities

In the current global context, preserving and promoting the democratic system is of utmost importance to...
Strong earthquake hit Western Türkiye

Strong earthquake hit Western Türkiye

An earthquake in Türkiye hit the western city of Düzce (170 km northwest of Ankara) at...
Türkiye ranks 35th out of 36 countries in Gender Equality

Türkiye ranks 35th out of 36 countries in Gender Equality

Gender refers to the social, behavioral and cultural characteristics, expectations and norms associated with being a...
Women Want to Write Türkiye’s 2nd Century

Women Want to Write Türkiye’s 2nd Century

On October 28, we patiently listened to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's two-hour speech at the "Beginning...
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