Türkiye’s Well-Being: Despair, Desperation, Debt

Türkiye’s Well-Being: Despair, Desperation, Debt

I will talk about a research: "The Well-Being Conditions of The Citizens in Turkey: Towards a...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Today marks the sixth year of the thwarted coup attempt in Türkiye; the US House of...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Four-way negotiations for grain crisis will continue in a coordination center in Istanbul next week; CHP...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Turkey will host Russian, Ukrainian delegations to solve grain crisis; Turkey, Russia, İran to meet in...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

The ECHR ruled that Türkiye did not fulfill its obligations in the Kavala case, infringement procedure...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Baykar's AKINCI UCAVs photographed as a fleet; Erdoğan, Lapid had a phone conversation ahead of Biden's...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

The first day of the four-day religious holiday Eid al-Adha; Ruling AKP loses votes; Rating agency...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Medics' strike to mark violence against health workers continues in its second day after the police...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

A medical doctor killed in a gun attack, professional associations decide to go on strike to...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

The main opposition leader argues that certain business people close to President Erdoğan are approaching him...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Türkiye's inflation hits a 24-year high of 78 percent, independent researchers argue it is higher, the...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Türkiye's six-party opposition alliance leaders convened for the fifth time in a meeting, Kurdish issue-focused HDP...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Some 1169 provinces closed to the residency of foreigners, Osmaniye locals in search for migrants turned...
Türkiye Today

Türkiye Today

Erdoğan warns Finland and Sweden to meet Ankara's demands, US President Biden supports F-16 sale to...
Turkey Today

Turkey Today

The NATO Summit backdrop after Erdoğan-Biden meeting, the opposition leader's call on HDP for a single...
Turkey Today

Turkey Today

Biden Administration's green light to F-16 sale to Turkey, Ankara to push for the extradition of...
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